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A Dignity-Promoting, Expressive Arts Initiative for

Those in Isolation or Living with Alzheimer's Disease,

Cognitive, Mental, Developmental or Other Impairments


Expressive art isn't just a picture... it's a story!

Art is a form of medicine and research studies have validated the importance of it in care settings and in every day life. Art may help decrease depressive and anxiety symptoms, irritability and agitation while boosting self-esteem. Art may also help lessen and offset the need for psychotropic drugs and its costs.

About Our Program

This specialized art training is designed to provide the mechanisms of how art can be a therapeutic modality, but with attention to art mediums and techniques best used with diverse populations.


The goal of Thriving4Life's art program and training is to preserve dignity, allow opportunities to get creative and foster a sense of personal autonomy and empowerment. We all have a life story filled with thoughts and emotions, and art has the ability to foster that sense of self-expression and give a voice when words become limited.

From watercolors, colored pencils to collage and an array of other materials, this educational training is a combination of listening, learning and a hands-on approach in how to start and sustain a successful activities program that greatly differs from art and crafts.

Who's It For?

Recognizing that art therapists may be limited in various care communities, Thriving4Life offers professional and lay caregivers access into how certain art supplies, directives and interventions can work for individuals in isolation, with memory impairment, autism, developmental challenges, and other neurological conditions.   

What Populations Use the Program?

  • Residential

  • Independent, Assisted Living and Dementia Communities

  • Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF); Rehabilitation/Psychiatric Hospitals; Behavioral Health Centers

  • Adult Day Centers

  • Senior Centers

  • Community Organizations such as:  Museums, Houses of Worship, Community Centers

The Research

Numerous research studies in expressive arts therapy for persons with Alzheimer’s and related dementias validate the importance of creativity for the brain and supporting quality of life. These findings are published in medical media such as: The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (JAD), American Society on Aging, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Parkinsonism, American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, Neurology Now (American Academy of Neurology).
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