
Through therapeutic art and music programs, Thriving4Life makes a positive difference in the lives of individuals impacted by isolation, trauma, with dementia, mental, developmental, or other impairments—as well as those that love and care for them.


Our programs are centered around expressive art and personalized music. The value of the arts in health and elder care grows daily for individuals with many different diagnoses in any environment.

"I Remember Better When I Paint" is the first international documentary about the positive impact of art and other creative therapies on people with Alzheimer's and how these approaches can change the way we look at the disease. A film by Eric Ellena and Berna Huebner, presented by French Connection Films and the Hilgos Foundation, and narrated by Olivia de Havilland. Among those who are featured are noted doctors and Yasmin Aga Khan, president of Alzheimer's Disease International and daughter of Rita Hayworth, who had Alzheimer's."
- Berna Huebner, Co-Producer

I Remember Better When I Paint
In October of 2014, Brian was diagnosed with Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease at the age of 54. He provides a window into the experiences of a “regular guy” from a “regular life” as he goes along his Alzheimer’s journey. Brian is "living well" with Alzheimer's and leans on the profound impact that his personalized music playlist has on his life.

Our programs and resources check lots of boxes.